The Dallas Cowboys, under the helm of Mike McCarthy, have showcased their prowess as a dominant force in the regular season, boasting an impressive offensive and...
In Episode 16 of “Play by Play,” Jesse Coleman Jr. navigates the twists and turns of the NFL landscape as teams vie for playoff positions. Jesse...
The 2023 NFL season has kicked off with the Dallas Cowboys showcasing a dominant defense that has sent shockwaves through the league. With a resounding 40-0...
On this Episode I break down why the Lakers might be bad this year and what they can do to change it. Why is Utah, Portland...
Week 6 of the NFL Weekly Pick Em. Currently at 46 and 34. Is there a quarterback controversy in Dallas? Can they win against the divisional...
In this episode I announce my NFL Weekly Pick ’em. These episodes will be every Thursday before the Thursday Night Game. Please join our weekly pick...
The Hall Of Fame Game is here. It’s still a very hot and humid summer. The leaves are still a bright green, there is no fall...